Dictionaries volumes:
Although regional institutes are operating as independent organisms, it is the result of mutual work, that the most often used transboundary contact elements are entered into the following Hungarian dictionaries:
Laczkó KrisztinaMártonfi Attila 2004. Helyesírás (Correct spelling). Budapest, Osiris Publishing.
Tolcsvai Nagy Gábor 2007. Idegen szavak szótára (Dictionary of foreign words). Budapest, Osiris Publishing.
Eőry Vilma editor-in-chief. 2007. Értelmező szótár+ (Dictionary of definitions+). Budapest, Tinta Publishing.
Checking program for correct usage and spelling developed by Morphologic Ltd. (publication in progress)
The members of the network are attending annual conferences, where they make their results of living language researches known to the public. Their studies are found in the following volumes:
Nádor OrsolyaSzarka László editor. 2003. Nyelvi jogok, kisebbségek, nyelvpolitika Kelet-Közép-Európában (Language rights, minorities, language politics in East-Middle-Europe). Budapest, Akadémiai Publishing.
Published by Ferenc Glatz 2003. Begegnungen 21. Die Sprache und die kleinen Nationen Ostmitteleuropas(The language and the minor nations in East-Middle-Europe). Budapest, Europa Publishing.
Maticsák Sándor editor. 2007. Nyelv, nemzet, identitás.(Language, nation, identity) I. A VI. Nemzetközi Hungarológiai Kongresszus (Debrecen, 2006. augusztus 2226.) nyelvészeti előadásai. DebrecenBudapest: Nemzetközi Magyarságtudományi Társaság (VI. International Congress of Hungarian Studies (Debrecen, 22-26. August, 2006) linguistic lectures. Debrecen Budapest: International Association for Hungarian Studies.
Ongoing activities (continuously expanding):
Collection and examination of the transboundary contact elements of the Hungarian language.
Expanding of the transboundary word list (ht-list) throughout the three region
Living language examinations throughout the regions of Austria, Slovenia and Croatia, which are inhabited by Hungarians
Collection and codification of place-names
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