Institutes of Linguistics:
The research stations of The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) in Slovakia, in Sub-Carpathia, in Transylvania and in Voivodina were established in 2001 for the research of the Hungarian language usage of Hungarian minority groups, of the contact variations of the Hungarian language, and of the different regions, where the Hungarian language is used: the headquarters of the Szabó T.Attila Linguistic Institute are in Kolozsvár (Romania) and in Sepsiszentgyörgy (Romania), the Gramma Language Office has one in Dunaszerdahely (Slovakia), the Hodinka Antal Institute has its in Beregszász (Sub-Carpathia), and The Scientific Association for Hungarology Researches has its in Szabadka (Voivodina).
The central administrative and technical background of the research stations was secured by the MTA Research Institute of Ethnic and National Minorities, and in the supervision of the given researches the main role was played by the Research Institute for Linguistics.
Research places on private basis:
In the year 2003 private research places of Austria, Slovenia and Croatia had engaged into the works, which meant in actual fact, that independent individuals tried to keep pace with the locally feasible tasks performed usually by the larger research stations.
To change this situation, on the autumnal meeting of the research stations on the 3-4th of September 2007 in Debrecen, a plan was announced by Szilvia Szoták about the establishment of an institute for linguistics having its headquarter in Burgenland, which plan was mutually agreed with and supported by all the research stations present. This institute got established by the joined forces of the private research places of Burgenland, Slovenia and Croatia.
Termini Research Network:
The staff members of the research network are continuously cooperating with the Hungarian linguists: with university departments, research institutes, and especially closely with MTA Research Institute for Linguistics.
On the general assembly of the Academy on the 8th of May 2007, this nexus was officially confirmed by Director István Kenesei in the name of the Research Institute for Linguistics, by János Péntek in the name of the staff members of the research network, and by the professor of Babeş Bolyai University of Science through the signing of a Co-operation Agreement. To enhance the effectiveness of the information flow between the research networks and the Hungarian researchers an internet homepage is presented by the Termini Research Network (, which provides an overview of the ongoing works and the results to everyone who is interested.
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