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This page presents most of typographical aspects of JA T3v2 Framework. Make your readers happy with great Typography and User Experience!

Preformatted text


This is a sample Heading 1. Lorem ipsum.

This is a sample Heading 2. Lorem ipsum.

This is a sample Heading 3. Lorem ipsum.

This is a sample Heading 4. Lorem ipsum.

This is a sample Heading 5. Lorem ipsum.

Special Content

Below is a sample of <pre> tag or code class:

#ja-rightcol {
  width: 180px;
  float: right;
  color: #EEEEEE;

This is a highlight phrase. Use <span class="highlight">Your highlight phrase goes here!</span>.


This is a sample Blockquote. Use <blockquote>Your quote goes here!</blockquote> to form a quote!
This is a sample Blockquote. Use <blockquote><span class="open">Y</span>our quote goes her<span class="close">e!</span></blockquote> to form a quote!


This is a Magazine Style Drop Cap. The first letter in this paragraph is big. JA Templates bring into your Jooomla template the magazine drop cap technique and CSS2 includes the first-letter pseudo class. Use <p><span class="dropcap">T</span>Your content goes here!</p> to form a dropcap!

Lists Style

Ordered List

  1. This is a sample Ordered List.
  2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur
  3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur
  4. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Un-Ordered List

  • This is a sample Unordered List.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Definition List

This is a sample Definition List.
Condimentum quis.
Congue Quisque augue elit dolor.
Congue Quisque augue elit dolor.

Special Unordered Lists

  • This is a sample Arrow list.
  • Use <ul class="ja-typo-list list-arrow"><li><span class="icon"> </span>List's content goes here!</li></ul>
  • This is a sample Arrowlist.
  • This is a sample Star list.
  • Use <ul class="ja-typo-list list-star"><li><span class="icon"> </span>List's content goes here!</li></ul>
  • This is a sample Starlist.
  • This is a sample Check list.
  • Use <ul class="ja-typo-list list-check"><li><span class="icon"> </span>List's content goes here!</li></ul>
  • This is a sample Checklist.

Block Number

01Use <p class="blocknumber blocknumber-1"><span class="bignumber">01</span>Your content goes here!</p>

02Use <p class="blocknumber blocknumber-1"><span class="bignumber">02</span>Your content goes here!</p>

03Use <p class="blocknumber blocknumber-1"><span class="bignumber">03</span>Your content goes here!</p>

AUse <p class="blocknumber blocknumber-2"><span class="bignumber">A</span>Your content goes here!</p>

BUse <p class="blocknumber blocknumber-2"><span class="bignumber">B</span>Your content goes here!</p>

CUse <p class="blocknumber blocknumber-2"><span class="bignumber">C</span>Your content goes here!</p>

aUse <p class="blocknumber blocknumber-3"><span class="bignumber">a</span>Your content goes here!</p>

bUse <p class="blocknumber blocknumber-3"><span class="bignumber">b</span>Your content goes here!</p>

cUse <p class="blocknumber blocknumber-3"><span class="bignumber">c</span>Your content goes here!</p>

Icons Style

Use <p class="error"><span class="icon"> </span>Your message goes here!</p> to make this.

Use <p class="message"><span class="icon"> </span>Your message goes here!</p> to make this.

Use <p class="tips"><span class="icon"> </span>Your message goes here!</p> to make this.

Use <p class="key"><span class="icon"> </span>Your message goes here!</p> to make this.

Use <p class="tag"><span class="icon"> </span>Your message goes here!</p> to make this.

Use <p class="cart"><span class="icon"> </span>Your message goes here!</p> to make this.

Use <p class="doc"><span class="icon"> </span>Your message goes here!</p> to make this.

Use <p class="note"><span class="icon"> </span>Your message goes here!</p> to make this.

Use <p class="photo"><span class="icon"> </span>Your message goes here!</p> to make this.

Use <p class="mobi"><span class="icon"> </span>Your message goes here!</p> to make this.


Grey Bubbles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Blue Bubbles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Black Bubbles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Rounded Grey Bubbles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Rounded Blue Bubbles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Rounded Black Bubbles

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien.

Author Name

Message Boxes & Legend Styles

Message Boxes with Icons

This is a sticky. Use <p class="box-sticky">Your clip note goes here!</p> to create a clip note!

This is a download box. Use <p class="box-download">Your download goes here!</p> to create a download box!

Message Boxes - Style 1

This is a grey box. Use <p class="box-grey">Your content goes here!</p> to create a grey box!

This is a hilite box. Use <p class="box-hilite">Your content goes here!</p> to create a hilite box!

Message Boxes - Style 2

This is a grey box. Use <p class="box-grey">Your content goes here!</p> to create a grey box!

This is a hilite box. Use <p class="box-hilite">Your content goes here!</p> to create a hilite box!

Rounded Message Boxes with Icons

This is a sticky. Use <p class="box-sticky">Your clip note goes here!</p> to create a clip note!

This is a download box. Use <p class="box-download">Your download goes here!</p> to create a download box!

Rounded Message Boxes - Style 1

This is a grey box. Use <p class="box-grey">Your content goes here!</p> to create a grey box!

This is a hilite box. Use <p class="box-hilite">Your content goes here!</p> to create a hilite box!

Rounded Message Boxes - Style 2

This is a grey box. Use <p class="box-grey">Your content goes here!</p> to create a grey box!

This is a hilite box. Use <p class="box-hilite">Your content goes here!</p> to create a hilite box!

Buttons & Tags

Squared Tags

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

Rounded Tags

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

This is a sample Inline Tag. Use this to provide useful information.

Special Module Style

Use module suffix: _badge badge-top to put this badge on any module you like!
Use module suffix: _badge badge-new to put this badge on any module you like!
Use module suffix: _badge badge-pick to put this badge on any module you like!
Use module suffix: _badge badge-hot to put this badge on any module you like!


Form Fieldset

Templates Fieldset Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est, eu vulputate sapien suscipit ac.
Special Fieldset - Style 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est.
Special Fieldset - Style 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus sapien vel mauris viverra quis euismod dui tincidunt. Phasellus laoreet mattis est.

Form Elements



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Warter Hausnamen -
Őrvidéki házinevek


Ungarischsprachige sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlung über die Hausnamen in Oberwart und Unterwart.

Hardcoverbindung, Format A5, 80 Seiten
Erhältlich zum Druckkostenpreis von EUR 10.- in unserem Institut.